Books for Sale!

IMPORTANT NOTE: All books are in VERY GOOD to FINE CONDITION unless otherwise noted (former owner's signature, namestamps, and/or bookplates are usually not mentioned). All books are in their original hardcover binding unless otherwise specified. The abbreviation "paper" means that the book is paperbound as originally issued. The abbreviation "OP" means that the book is currently out of print.

To find a specific book, please use your browser's find function.

TERMS: Payment should accompany order, or you will be invoiced "pro forma" via e-mail or US mail. Prices are net. Immediate refund for items already sold and not currently available. New York residents must add proper sales tax.

POSTAGE CHARGE for each domestic order is only $3.00 ("Book Rate", parcel post)!

NOTE: We also have available a large selection of Informants, numbers 1 through 70, in excellent condition, for $15 apiece plus shipping. THE LATEST THREE ISSUES OF INFORMANT—NUMBERS 81, 82, & 83—ARE NOW AVAILABLE FOR $36 EACH

  Our most recent acquisitions are usually listed at the top of the catalog. You can sort by author or title instead by clicking the "AUTHOR" or "TITLE" links at the top of the list.

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Fred Wilson Chess Books
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